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Oct 8, 2021, 23 tweets

Top Charts On Watch ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“Š


Updated charts throughout the day ๐Ÿงต๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

$SE 30M Chart


$UBER 30M - on the move

$SNOW 30M triggering calls

$SHOP 30M - coming to supply zone

$CAR 30M - trying to push through the 1.618

$OSTK 30M setting up

$AFRM 30M - pushing higher

$SE Daily Chart - 340C active for next week

$ABNB Daily - holding strong

$DADA Daily - getting tight in the falling wedge

$NFLX 30M - strong

$BE Daily - Breaking its falling wedge

$AN Daily - coming up to the center channel

$APPS 30M - starting to move

$QS 30M - breaking channel

$GS 30M - bounced off its wedge breakout

$CAR 30M - Beast mode, vrooooom!

$NET 30M - on the move

$TWLO 30M - on the move

$MARA Daily - continuing to creep

$UPWK Daily & 2HR chart - setting up nicely.

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