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Goodbye EventSourcing Live, hello EventCentric! The conference on Event-Driven Architecture, Messaging, EventSourcing, Distsys... Antwerp, June 2-5 2025.

Oct 8, 2021, 25 tweets

Now our keynote by the wonderful Jessica Kerr @jessitron on "EventSourcing & Reality"

@jessitron Scaling in time: "We have to make our software backwards compatible with ourselves" @jessitron #ESRC21

"To scale consistency we have to define a shared language, but it's not a natural language" @jessitron channeling DDD at #ESRC21

@jessitron "We need multiple bounded contexts, with translations between them" @jessitron at #ESRC21

"We persist everything that comes in and that goes out, even if it's not events" @jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "Observability gives us the graphs _and_ the stories behind it" @jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "Our job as developers is not writing code, it's changing code" @jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "I find that I'm better at my job when I think of my job as designing _change_. What matters is not a perfect end state, but whether we can get there. EventSourcing helps me focus on change. Reality is change." @jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "Taking change as the basis of reality let's us construct reality."
@jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "Life is constant re-creation. The only stillness is death." @jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "I am a process. A river is not a set of molecules, it's the flow. " @jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "A team is a process, it is the continual change. A great team is not hiring exactly the same people. It's continually re-creating the team, keep becoming a great team" @jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "If we push for big deadline, and in the process burned ourselves out and built technical debt, have we really made better software?" @jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "If we can change our environment, we're naturally changing others' environments"
@jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "I don't will myself into creative work. Instead I ask, what will get me into that state?"
@jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "Change comes from practice, not willpower"
@jessitron at #ESRC21

"We can't deliver frequently because we can't deliver high quality -> No! You have the order wrong!"
@jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron "Smaller fall are more survivable"
Comment from @Merrion in the chat during @jessitron's talk

@jessitron @Merrion Eventsource your life. "Keep a record of your decisions and revisit them. ADRs are great for this"
@jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron @Merrion "Goals are good, but not everything should be goals. Move toward a direction, not to a destination"
@jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron @Merrion "Take security: There is no secure state. You can only move towards a more secure state"
@jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron @Merrion "The only done in software is out of production"
@jessitron at #ESRC21

"Don't deliver features, deliver capabilities"
@jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron Everything is change. "To change who you are, change who you talk to on a regular basis. We can practice change. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable."
@jessitron at #ESRC21

@jessitron Process philopshy.
@jessitron at #ESRC21

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