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Oct 9, 2021, 20 tweets

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.

Showcasing few examples where Disinformation went duping & misinformation went tricking.


There is an incredible documentary on Netflix called “The Great Hack”.

Everyone should watch in order to understand how deeply audience is pushed to be manipulated and influenced as individual citizens.

Truly astounding.

The modern “buzz” is the poison dart of fake news/ pictures and messages that are carefully designed to illicit a strong emotional response from a particular target audience.These news are “seeded” via various media gateways,rarely provide any information regarding origination.

The term, ‘fake news’ was created by conman; centuries ago,used by them to quickly identify their targets, individuals who are easily manipulated.
Not limited to adolescents but is pervasive throwout adult populations.
The message is you are so smart you can see what others can’t

A wise man once said:

There is no such thing as “fake news.”

There is news and there is propaganda. Nothing in between.

The “buzzwords” are accepted as fact and spread by individuals in the targeted group. Naturally, those who share are most likely to have like-minded friends & colleagues in their media circle.

When anyone get “buzzed” that sets them off emotionally, it is wise to check the facts before getting riled and helping to disseminate this kind of false information.

Oh well…. Who cares about the facts when it’s all about “No Fact-All Propaganda”

Deceptive people love fake news because it makes their reality seem legitimate and therefore more profitable.

The good news that the internet democratized and facilitated the sharing of information, and that was the bad news, as well....On on the other hand, you just like to stir through the stew of journalism and entertainment and and and….. noise to find it…..

We have always had these types of news sources. Around the beginning of the 20th century it was called Yellow Journalism. These news sources (Pulitzer, Hearst - “You furnish the pictures and I ll furnish the war”) dramatized and exaggerated stories…!!!!

For some part mainstream news provides accurate and relatively impartial reporting. Some news consumers are not interested in that. Some prefer hearing their opinions repeated - right or wrong. To those people, any other opinion is fake.

There is not an increasing amount of fake news. There are several news outlets who specialize in sensationalizing and exaggerating news along with others of the same genre.

“The Great Hack” documentary shares how digital platforms are now being employed to influence public opinion.

It is much more effective than the old method of sending military aid and money to favored leaders. There is also very little one can do to track the smoking gun.

News spreads faster when it creates an emotional response because it makes people want to share it.
The truth also tends to be more complicated than what first thought, thus truth requires more time to be critically thought about and analyzed.

Anything was probably more comforting than the official story, which seemed perpetually to be 'We're working on it,' and with so many more appealing options out there reality was being abandoned the way they might walk away from farmland that had lost its water source.

Fake News is Cheaper Produce.

Genuine Journalism is Expensive..!!

Misinformation, and disinformation have always been part of political warfare.

Fake news tends to not be investigated and people spread it quickly because of the emotional significance behind it.

Enraging ideas are shared more quickly than ideas of other emotions. This is why so many fake news stories, if true, would make you so ANGRY!

These are not technical problems,but “human problems” that Technology has simply helped scaled,yet we keep attempting pure technological solutions.

We can’t machine-learn our way out of this problem which is actually a perfect storm of poor civics & poor information literacy.

Gold Plated Lies…

Well..some of ’em.

There will come a time when our descendants will be amazed that we did not know things that are so plain to them... Many discoveries are reserved for ages still to come, when memory of us will have been effaced.

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