Scott Tilley 🇺🇦 🇨🇦 Profile picture

Oct 9, 2021, 7 tweets

March 2021 - 18SPCS reported that YUNHAI 1-02 [44547, 2019-063A] had broken up. Since the breakup report, amateurs have monitored radio emissions on 1704MHz. As the spacecraft straddles the terminator it was lost in the glare of daylight until now...

@18SPCS reported that YUNHAI 1-02 broke up and amateurs noticed it continued to emit. The following thread should catch you up on some of these facts.

@planet4589 later noted an anomolly in the @SpaceTrackOrg catalogue with a report indicating 48078, 1996-051Q: "Collided with satellite". See this great thread to learn more about his analysis and the tie to YUNHAI 1-02.

In preparation for visual observations, reviewed MMT data for similar phase angle observations that had occurred in the previous couple years and one that occurred a year ago today 2020-10-08. Similar phase angle and note the obvious periodic light curve.…

These three images taken approximately at 2021-10-09T03:26 UTC, with a 10s exposure, reveal a 'steady' light curve for YUNHAI 1-02 nothing close to the historically observed 3.33s period with an amplitude of ~2 magnitudes.

Here's the planning plot for the encounter to give you some perspective. STARLINK-1495 [45761, 2020-038AH] is also in two of the frames travelling perpendicular to YUNHAI 1-02.

What does this all mean?
1 - YUNHAI 1-02 appears to be on a reduced mission.
2 - It's scanning radiometer appears to have been damaged or deactivated as they usually cause rapid periodic flashes from a satellite which explains the old period of 3.33s.…

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