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Oct 9, 2021, 7 tweets

Well, that didn't take long. It seemed like the European Union was taking a step forward and striking a better tone than Washington by sending an observation mission to the upcoming regional elections. But no, this decadent colonial mentality came to the fore in no time (thread)

There's (justified) controversy about statements made today by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell. In some pointless forum, Borrell said the EU is in Venezuela to "accompany" the opposition and that its presence "offers" guarantees to the opposition. Plain cheerleading really

The EU mission is (in theory?) meant to observe the election, and this high-profile suit says they want to hold the opposition's hand through this traumatic experience that is an election. Moreover, Borrell says it's the EU report that'll determine the "legitimacy" of the process

These hacks think people in the Global South look up to the EU as some kind of reference for democracy and human rights. In truth, people remember the Bengal famine, the Paris massacre (1961), the coup against Mossadegh, slavery and debt slavery in Haiti, the Suez crisis, etc

The Vzlan govt, rightfully so, told the EU that they could go f*** themselves. Ok, not in so many words. We get carried away with this colonial meddling bs. Caracas categorically rejected Borrell's statements, said the EU seems to not understand how electoral observation works

"The legitimacy of an election does not hinge on a foreign actor," the statement says. Seems pretty obvious, but people who are drunk on a really inexplicable exceptionalism always need reminding. Ended with calls for impartiality and objectivity which are a pipe dream for the EU

While it's early to tell, the EU mission seems primed to be a destabilization force for the elections. A fancy stamp for the opposition's m.o. "democracy if we win, fraud if we lose." We'll have to see if the "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" applies in this case

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