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vintage computers, tubes, the MOnSter6502, cross-sectioned electronic parts. coauthor of ⚠ please read

Oct 9, 2021, 7 tweets

let's take a break from computers and electronics, and go on a trip! a trip to San Jose. this is one of the rare little spots that's not overdeveloped. you can easily see the East Bay hills.

it's starting to feel a bit like the wild west.

railroad tracks and buzzards. if you look very carefully in the background, you can see the airship hangars at Moffett Field.

dirt roads and signal-free railroad crossings. this is definitely the wild west.

oh look, a house! we've arrived at the Bay Area's only ghost town, called Drawbridge. in the background you can see the Tesla factory.

a couple more houses in Drawbridge, behind the railroad trestle. there are no roads leading to the town; in the old days, you'd take the train.

i've written about Drawbridge before.

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