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Oct 10, 2021, 9 tweets

Frontline workers like flight attendants, retail workers, and nurses have endured unruly, and at times violent, behavior from customers over the past year.

Now they’re switching to jobs that are better for their mental health. 👇…

Some Americans are aggressively opposing mask mandates, while others might be lashing out due to the trauma of the pandemic, experts and workers said.

Data shows that workers in general are ditching their usual sector in search of greener pastures.…

Former flight attendant Jada Magwood recalled passengers verbally assaulting her during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On one occasion, a police officer even had to escort an intoxicated, violent traveler off her plane.…

Magwood recently left the travel industry for a job at a tech startup.

She didn't plan on quitting, but the burnout from passenger violence prompted her to seek out jobs without much customer-facing interaction.…

Magwood knows that it won't be easy working in tech, given the industry's high rates of burnout and long work hours.

But her company offers mental health days and the ability to work from home — a welcome change after dealing with unruly air travelers.…

Like Magwood, Jessica Walsh spent much of the pandemic dealing with what she called "snippy," short-tempered customers in her job in the paint department of a @Menards craft store in the Midwest.…

Walsh often had to pick between asking sometimes unruly customers to wear a mask or letting them potentially expose her to COVID-19.

Eventually, she left to be a receptionist — a job with limited customer interaction, which Walsh said she appreciated.…

But the new hiring environment could also be an opportunity for blue collar workers looking to make a big change.

"If you've ever had a dream company you've wanted to work for, then now is the time to go for it," said Mathieu Stevenson, CEO of @snagajob.…

Read more about how burned out frontline workers are switching industries on our website:…

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