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We promote the rights of lesbians, bisexuals & gay men, as recognised by biological sex. #SexNotGender. Please donate: https://t.co/5Rw1xoDGRF

Oct 10, 2021, 6 tweets

1./ To celebrate #BlackHistoryMonth we'd like to draw your attention to a conversation we love between two of Britain's most remarkable lesbians: @BluskyeAllison and the great Linda Bellos. What does the word 'lesbian' mean to Linda? For her, she says, it's a badge of honour.👇

2./ Linda, who'd go on to become Britain's first Black lesbian council leader, was the first Black woman to work at feminist magazine Spare Rib. One thing she deplored there was the unwillingness to have robust arguments with her including on the subject of race.👇

3./ Linda also movingly describes her own experience of the British justice system which -before the 90s- often deprived lesbians of the custody of their children. A social worker would accompany Linda's kids on visits because lesbians were viewed as "unfit" to be mothers.🤦‍♂️👇

4./ As both Linda and Allison point out this discrimination only ended after pressure from feminist activists as well as within the justice system by a growing number of women lawyers who together with campaigners helped eventually push successfully for changes in the law.👇

5./ After great strides in the last 30 years they worry lesbian rights are being undermined by the attempt to include male-bodied people in the category of 'lesbian'. Is this really so different from someone white claiming to identify as black?", they ask.👇

6./ If you'd like to watch the discussion in full then you'll find it on our @youtube channel.

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