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Judge me by the enemies I have made. ~ FDR

Oct 10, 2021, 10 tweets

Another "Institute" operating in the #ShadowNetwork
We need a specific & targeted overhaul of not for profit organizations. If we don't find a way to regulate them, any voting rights bill, or forward progress with be unraveled by these "Institutes".…

Manhattan Institute in 2017 pushing the Open-Gov Movement with Adam Andrzejewski.

H/t @jimstewartson as discussed.

Andrzejewski co-founded Open the Books with Bannon protégé & Breitbart contributor Matthew Tyrmand…

Oversight report they called 'Mapping the Swamp'…

Andrzejewski bio.
Looks like there's tons of "Institutes" gaslighting America & he promotes them.

Here's one that really stood out re: Andrzejewski.
Leadership Program of the Rockies
They just recently had their 2021 Retreat and just to "Hang Around" the tickets were $3,000. If you wanted to have dinner with keynote speaker you would need to cough up $25,000.

A snippet from their LPR2021 Retreat
Federalist, Culture Wars, Trey Gowdy...

Senator Tim Scott at the LPR 2021 Retreat

Training at LPR
School Choice (also known as destroying public education).

Army for Freedom is what they say they're building.

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