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🔞 queer 🐢, she/they, love Yizhan 💚❤ If you like bjyx fic, DM here or elisamew on discord to join our discord server! 🔞

Oct 11, 2021, 314 tweets

🔞🎃When the Wicked Play🎃🔞
*a #bjyx Halloween socmed au*
On Purge night, WYB is a Hunter and XZ becomes his prey, but is all really as it seems?

🔞CW//horror AU, violence, some dubconnish vibes, happy ending🔞
💀updates daily all Oct
💀this is all fiction
💀weird Halloween self-indulgence
💀nothing based on real life, just characters
💀yes, using socmed during Purge is absurd, it’s fic
💀if this isn’t your thing, go away!

🦁Character: Purge Live Streamer WYB

🐇Character: Government Employee & Graphic Designer XZ

Characters: XZ's friends

Here’s my playlist for the AU
CW // references to depression, graphic violence, self-harm, explicit/derogatory language, references to homophobia










{10} 🔞Theme Song & Bae




{14} Theme Songs
My Axe





{18} Theme Song




{22} 🔞Theme Song

























































Chapter 1


Author's Note:
I am writing this story to (hopefully) stand alone, but it is a continuation/expansion of this socmed, if that’s interesting to you at all. This fic will also be finished on Halloween.



































Quick reminder: violence, horror, images of blood






































































Earlier that night...







And later...





Back to present...










































































































And now for the thrilling conclusion...


This was such a challenge and such a blast + I really had fun, so thanks for all your interaction here + Ao3. It meant so much + made me smile. Like I saw recently online, “I write for me, but I post for you,” so thanks for joining me on this #bjyx socmed AU/fic mutant hybrid.

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