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Oct 11, 2021, 13 tweets

Somyurek thread. Here's some grabs from the presser where Dan announced he had sacked him for branch stacking, then took questions. It's one of the most brutal pressers he's ever had to face, and some interesting questions got asked.
#OpWatts #IBACDan

Here Dan gets asked about whether Scott and Khairouz will be stood aside pending investigations, but apparently no, different rules for them.

Sumeyya really picks up her stride here, and pushes Dan to justify why Kairouz in particular should keep her job, given her commentary trashing her own portfolio. But Dan holds out and says he's been personally reassured by her that her behaviour was above board.

Scorn ensues 😂

The #TrouserTerrier refuses to let go, and gives Dan a grilling about "gutting IBAC" but Dan's not having it.

Now it gets heavy, they are pushing to get Dan to justify why Kairouz and Scott should remain in place for now, and Dan is far from convincing. And there's a "Have you ever branch stacked, Premier" question thrown in just for LOLs.

And here's the question I've been looking for. Sumeyya puts the Premier right on the spot, Dan refuses to be drawn into "answering a hypothetical" and then 2 days later, Kairouz brings the hypothetical to life.


Dan still refuses to agree his ministers should stand aside, and carries on about how that's asking him to do the investigation himself, but the journo's aren't letting go of this one. Issues of probity and confidence are raised, and ignored by Dan.

LOL, "Will the ministers cooperate with IBAC and Victoria Police"
Dan: Of course 🙃
"Well they didn't with the #RedShirts enquiry!"
Dan - *shirtiness intensifies*

Now the issue that was raised by the IBAC commissioner raises it's head: Are there bigger issues within the Labor party with a disrespect for taxpayer funds?
Dan: No, of course not 🙃

Dan gets asked how much he knew, decides to play dumb. Journos are highly sceptical of this claim.

They keep pushing him on how much he knew, and he keeps playing dumb......

Now questions turn to whether Dan will accept his vote or not as an independent, and shirtiness intensifies again 😂

I'll leave it there because it starts to get a bit repetitive, but the full press conference is here if you want to watch it.

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