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Oct 11, 2021, 5 tweets

‘For the first time in many decades, Italy is in such a favourable position’

Italy, the first European country affected by the pandemic, is now changing gear in its Covid-19 recovery

Italy’s economic growth had the biggest upgrade of any other G7 country over the past five months, according to Consensus Economics. It is a marked change for a country that has suffered years of economic stagnation…

Other factors are also at play in the recovery. Investment is ‘booming’, thanks to government-supported incentives for energy efficiency improvements and purchases of machinery and equipment…

Exports are also supporting the post-pandemic rebound, with Italy less affected than some countries by supply chain disruption. This is thanks to a lower reliance on semiconductor imports, according to some analysts…

The OECD expects Italy’s economic output to return to pre-pandemic levels by early 2022, a much faster rebound than from previous crises. However, its recovery will still lag behind most advanced economies. Here’s what you need to know:…

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