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Oct 11, 2021, 8 tweets

“They ought to make good and skilled servants, for they repeat very quickly whatever we say to them.” - Christopher Columbus

Columbus was intent on enslaving the first indigenous people he saw.

Christopher Columbus describing torturing and raping a captured native woman.

One of Columbus’ first acts was to enslave indigenous people. He interrogated them for information hoping to make himself wealthy.

Christopher Columbus gave the Arawak people swords to see how they would respond. The Arawak cut themselves because they were unfamiliar with sharp blades.

Columbus cited this as evidence they could be enslaved to “do whatever we want.”

Christopher Columbus had “20 hunting dogs, who were turned loose and immediately tore the Indians apart.”

Christopher Columbus chopped off the noses and both hands off indigenous people in Haiti who did not pay a tribute to him of cotton or gold dust every 3 months.

Christopher Columbus is responsible for the genocide of the entire 8,000,000 Arawak people. He forced them to work in mines for gold. Some would kill their children and die from suicide to avoid slavery.

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