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"I May Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It". JFK Assassination, WWII, Watergate nut. Opinionated.

Oct 11, 2021, 10 tweets

1- First of all, framing that Biden is a victim of circumstance is absurd.

But wait, there's more lunacy (cont).

2- Except for two notable Senators that media and activists chase with Kayaks and chase into bathrooms...

...who are blocking Biden's entire legislative agenda, sure..👇🏽

3- It sure is good to be Dem.

You don't CAUSE anything. You just "preside over" or "face criticism" for your completely self-made disasters.

4- Duh.

Vaccine hesitency among inner city blacks is not a partisan issue as much as Media clowns want to make it one.

Crappy vaccines are not a partisan issue, as much as Media wants to ignore it.

5- Once again, they're missing the issue (with no help from their friendly Media) that we cannot vaccinate our way out of this.

Look at Israel. Look at Singapore. Look at U.K.

But nope, the problem is vax rates and that is that.

6- This is just wrong on so many levels.

Trump, to the chagrin of many Rs, keeps pushing "his vaccines".

Dems don't wear masks either, when they're not on camera. It's all performance art, & the country knows it.

And again, the premise that vax's are the solution is flawed.

7- And here, ladies and gents, is the core problem.

The answer is we need to learn to live with COVID. We need to learn to treat COVID.

Nobody on the planet has managed to "defeat COVID". Some countries e.g. in Scandinavia have decided to just move on.

This is doomed to fail.

8- Here is it again.

@PressSec is setting her boss up for failure with this messaging.

We'll never "control" COVID. We'll learn to live with it as an endemic disease. They will fail until they get this.

9- Yeah, Biden's numbers will be different. They will be worse.

10- Yeah, it's not Biden. It's the "seemingly endless brutal news cycles he’s endured".

Imagine this ever being written about Trump. What a joke.


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