The Warning Bell 🧨 Profile picture
Proud Veteran. 🇺🇸 Pro-Democracy. Anti-Trump. Anti-Corruption. Follow at your own risk. 😉

Oct 11, 2021, 8 tweets

Tell me you're a GOP (poss CNP) operative without telling me you're a GOP (poss CNP) operative. 😅

Let's have a look at some of the 'Vets for Trump' connections...

Vets for Trump (now called Vets for America First) was very involved in boosting Amanda Chase (VA), Jerome Cori's propaganda, and a series of election-related lawsuits.
Note the partnering with OK and Kellye Sorelle and Amy Vandersteel.

VFT also has another layer of connections, as seen through court filings.

Robert Caron, an alleged 'whistleblower' promoted on Vandersteel's show along with Macias, has been accused of stealing money from Vlad Lemets (VFT) and other investors.
At one point Robert even joined Macias and Lemets in some business ventures.

Caron was CEO of VoterTruth. I'm surprised that individuals invested money with him given his history in the criminal and civil courts.
Previous Securities Fraud conviction.

Carone and Rhodes also teamed up with VFT and others in Jerome Corsi's 'Invincible Argument.'

Don't ask. 🤪

Then, of course, there's the Macias, Latinos for Trump, Vanderbol, Davis, Sorelle election-related lawsuit that died a mysterious death. ☠️

Apparently attorney Davis felt that Caron was trying to insinuate himself into the Texas lawsuit.

Davis also made some accusations of Kellye communicating with Caron.

Davis split from Kellye, and put together a new lawsuit with some fine 😆plaintiffs. Case died when the only sane plaintiff threw in the towel.

Jennilyn Salinias also goes by Jen Loh and Jennylin Lohmer.

**most of the figures in this thread were at/near/in the Capitol 1/6

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