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vintage computers, tubes, the MOnSter6502, cross-sectioned electronic parts. coauthor of ⚠ please read

Oct 12, 2021, 19 tweets

oops I got another computer. this one is a PCjr!

not a typical PC under the hood.

it's dustier than a crypt inside!

the power supply (far left) seems to require low-voltage AC. there must be an external power transformer.

the motherboard, sans dust. there's still some gunk left, so you know what's coming up next...

ColorCoral! it's soon going to turn a nasty shade of grey.


ooh a quad 555 timer. must be for the joystick port.

the infrared receiver (for the keyboard) is under the shield.

washed and dried the case. I had a hard time getting the front off, it's press fit into those little holes on the front. mine was already loose, otherwise I wouldn't have done it

I guess they cheaped out and didn't get fasteners

which is odd because right here they have a brass insert

putting it all back together

the pins on this 0.1" header are round instead of square 🤔

what does it all mean

this computer has no D-sub connectors. just 0.1" headers. to save money? perhaps. but IBM also sold the RT PC, a high end workstation, with the same sort of connectors.

i wonder if i should design a Snark Barker sidecar for the PCjr. obviously it would be called the "Snark Barker Snide Car"

finally got around to powering it up, and it works!

i don't have the external power brick so i just used my bench supply. oh yeah i have no keyboard 😂

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