Scott Hechinger Profile picture
Civil rights attorney. Longtime public defender. Dad. Executive Director, Zealous. Fighting everyday to share the truth about public health & safety.

Oct 12, 2021, 5 tweets

12 years of marriage to @DigiAbby today! Was thinking of how many incredible opportunities I've had to work w/ & learn from her. I'll start here. In Eastern Cape, South Africa. Then 5 mos pregnant. Took vacation time to assist her on a doc for local partners on equal education.

Got to work w/ Abby when I was at Brooklyn Defender Services. W/ immigrant clients co-wrote, directed, & produced, a 4 part animated series on how to safely defend yourself in encounters with ICE. 7 languages. Powerful storytelling.

Once ICE started ramping up arrests after COVID first struck, I got to work w/ Abby again, @witnessorg, & Fiona Apple. Short film on documenting abuses by ICE. Again co-written w/ people w/ first hand experience. Who had witnessed loved ones arrested.

Most recently, followed @DigiAbby's & partner @MichaelKleiman's lead in producing this powerful film on Calvin Duncan's ongoing fight to topple a racist KKK law in Oregon that still imprisons hundreds as part of the campaign.

I can't help it. I'm a proud husband. More on my wife @DigiAbby's work--on issues international & domestic--here: Oh and don't tell her I'm bragging on her. I'm trying to stay married to her. 🤫🤣

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