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🕉🚩Temples Architecture Heritage Traditions Culture 🚩 एकम् सत् विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति 🕉 There is Only 1 Truth- The Learned call Him By Many Names🚩Proud Hindu🚩

Oct 12, 2021, 5 tweets

🕉 #Navratri-9 Nights of Worshipping Ma Durga-
7/9 - Maa Kaalratri- One who is “the Death of Kaal”.
Kaal- Time & death. Goddess Who destroys ignorance & removes darkness. Ma depicts that life also has a dark side – Violent Mother Nature creates havoc & removes all dirt🚩1/5

🕉 In this form Goddess Kaalratri killed Raktabeej. Raktabeej was a demon who could multiply from every drop of his blood which fell on the ground. Goddess Kaalratri killed him by consuming the blood before it could reach the ground and hence conquered him 🚩2/5

🕉 Colour: Blue
Planet : Saturn
Flower: Jasmine
Neivedhyam: Lemon rice
Thithi: Sapthami/ 7 th day of the Lunar fortnight/ Paksha of Hindu Calendar
Kolam: Rangoli With fragrant flowers
Raagam: Bilahari
Mantra : Om Devi Kaalratriyayi Swaha 🚩3/5

🕉 Ekveni Japakarnpoora Nagn Kharaasthita |
Lamboshthi Karnika karni Tailaabhyaktshariirini ||
Vaam Paadollasallohlata Kantakbhushanaa |
Bardhan Moordham Dhwajaa Krishnaa Kalratribhayankari || 🚩4/5

🕉 She rides on a donkey with a long tongue, lustrous body, wearing ornaments in the legs like lightning, black in color, untied hair, big eyes,big ears& formidable looking. Praying to MaKaalratri removes all obstacles&all effects of Black magic woven by others🚩5 #JaiMataDi

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