Wladimir van Wilgenburg Profile picture
Co-author of 2 books on Syrian Kurds, journalist @SPGlobal @KurdChronicle, MA Conflict Studies/Kurdish Studies. Not here for discussions/trolls.

Oct 12, 2021, 6 tweets

Speech by EU EOM Chief Observer Viola von Cramon @EUEOMIraq2021 says the case of three journalists in the Kurdistan Region "recently sentenced to six year jail terms negatively impacted the campaign" #Iraqelection2021 facebook.com/eueomiraq2021/…

Speech by EU EOM Chief Observer Viola von Cramon
@EUEOMIraq2021 also commended Iraqi people for peaceful election, but underlined post-election period should remain peaceful also and complaints about elections to be raised through legal means.

Speech by EU EOM Chief Observer Viola von Cramon says there was disinformation in digital sector (guess she mean social media pages)

Speech by EU EOM Chief Observer Viola von Cramon says EU electoral mission did observe major fraud or election violations, adding that election were mainly orderly and calm.

EU EOM Chief Observer Viola von Cramon says again there are no signs of electoral fraud in #iraqielections2021

EU EOM Chief Observer von Cramon says "we have not observed or witnessed any major fraud violation. Regarding the electoral process on the election day we can only call on everyone to stay calm and to use the legal mechanism for appeals and complaints." #iraqielections2021

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