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Official page of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV - formed in 2003 - guiding professionals and patients

Oct 12, 2021, 10 tweets

Debate about to start #VBASHH21

Pre debate poll ! #vBASHH21

Paddy Horner: 2/52 window is biologically implausible given sensitivity of NAAT assays, and denying testing risks reducing access to care

The ‘for’ debate conclusions -Paddy Horner #vBASHH21

@AchyutaNori: not all chlamydia tests are created equal; even though RNA typically degrades, it can sometimes persist (up to centuries!) Hard to tell if your infecting organism is alive/viable or not.

#vBASHH21 Goals are to avoid non-significant unviable positive CT results and overtreatment; chat contributors suggest testing at presentation *and* at 2 weeks via home kit. What do you do in your centre? Let us know

The Against debate conclusion @AchyutaNori #vBASHH21

Time for the post-debate vote: have you changed your mind?
Now 42% for, 58% against! Very slight difference. Congrats to both presenters for very interesting arguments.

The RESULTS #vBASHH21 debate

Questions: do these arguments change for, eg. extragenital sites or special populations like MSM or pregnant people? Answer: we don't yet know.
Do asympto contacts need empiric therapy? Risk of complications is low, perhaps we should reconsider current approach.

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