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Leverage with 0% cost to borrow to maximize yields with Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE) model. Now on Arbitrum. $ALPHA

Oct 12, 2021, 5 tweets

Announcing the winners of the #AlphaBD Alpha 1-year Birthday campaign!



Next Step👇

Dear all 10 Winners,
You've made it! 👏👏👏
Please open Twitter DM permission, and we will message you on the next steps in receiving the prize.
How? 👈

Moving to the Final Round 👇

You are now moved to the final round to compete for our legendary prize, the Alpha Goodies Bag!

We will be randomly selecting only one from all the participants...

Who will win this Goodies Bag?

Will YOU be the only person who knows what’s inside?


Final Round 👇


Please spin the wheel Alpha Wolfie. Here we Go!
Watch the VDO to find out who won!

What's next? 👇

Congratulations to the Winner!!! 🥳️🎊🍾

We hope you had fun during this campaign.
See you in the next one...HINT: 👻

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