Dr Cat Jarman FSA💀 Profile picture
Editor: British Archaeology Magazine | 🎙️ Host: #RabbitHoleDetectives | 📕 The Bone Chests & River Kings | Vikings, bioarchaeology, Rapa Nui 🇳🇴

Oct 12, 2021, 8 tweets

This is Oslo’s new PUBLIC LIBRARY. It’s unbelievable. Completely free, open to everyone until 10pm every day. There is a wine bar. Views to die for. All the books.

It’s full of study spaces and reading nooks, places you can eat your lunch & charge your phone. Borrow books, music, films, etc.

Last night it was packed.

This is the view from the terrace of the licensed bar and cafeteria, there’s also another coffee shop.

Oh and of course there’s a makers’ workshop with sewing machines and other craft equipment to use freely, plus a room with 3D printers & high end computers with graphics software

Or you could play the drums or guitar.
(It’s only just opened and there’s a pandemic so not everything is up and running just yet!)

Shuffleboard with a view, anyone? This is basically a gorgeous communal living room for the city, with books.

(Oh and I had to look for my own book there too, obviously 😬)

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