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Oct 12, 2021, 16 tweets

1/ @LunaBulls @flipsidecrypto Let's talk about our volume on @randomearth_io - another thread about Luna Bulls and our total sales volume!

2/ We talked about the mint a couple days ago - we sold out in roughly 17 minutes during the Public Whitelist sale. Now let's talk about our sales volume! Number of trades, Total LUNA trading hands, big sales, and more!

3/ How much LUNA has traded hands on Random Earth so far? Over 65,000 LUNA in just a few days! Take a look here:…

4/ So over 65,000 LUNA has traded hands - how many total trades have there been? Over 4,000! Now THAT is volume! Take a look here:…

5/ Over 65,000 LUNA in over 4,000 trades, how about the timing? When was the peak-hype for Luna Bulls sales? Find that info in hourly increments here:…

6/ We can clearly see that the first 2 hours are the heaviest volume, while sales more recently have calmed down a bit. We hit over 20,000 LUNA in two hours after first going live on the marketplace!

7/ How about the most expensive sales? What are the breakdowns on cheap sales and expensive sales? I decided to break those down into the following groups:

8/ Total Sale Amounts Summary:

Less than 4.99 LUNA: 5 sales (0.12%)
5-9.99 LUNA: 1488 sales (36.6%)
10-49.99 LUNA: 2,406 sales (59.2%)
50-99.99 LUNA: 122 sales (3.00%)
100-199.99 LUNA: 35 sales (0.86%)
200-499.99 LUNA: 8 sales (0.20%)
Greater than 500 LUNA: 1 sales (0.025%)

9/ Very interesting breakdown of sales. The majority of sales have taken place in the 10-49.99 LUNA range with 2,406 sales (59.2%) - A few folk paper-handed when selling for < 5 LUNA, even under <10 LUNA seems low. There was also one sale over 500 LUNA! Amazing!

10/ This tells me some real whales understand the true value of some Luna Bulls. But let's take a look at the top 5 highest sales! The sales range from 250 to 699 LUNA!

11/ Starting with the tie for 5th/4th highest sale, it was for 250 LUNA and it was Luna Bull#4649 (rank 108 on

12/ Tied for 4th/5th highest sale was also for 250 LUNA and it was Luna Bull#996 (rank 103 on

13/ The 3rd highest sale was for 300 LUNA and it was Luna Bull#8965 (rank 254 on

14/ The 2nd highest sale was for 330 LUNA and it was Luna Bull#7309 (rank 97 on

15/ The #1 highest sale was for 699 LUNA and it was Luna Bull#6081 (rank 77 on

16/ A wide range of rankings/rarity for the top 5 sales, with the lowest rank of 254 and highest rank of 77. The total top 5 sales add up to 1,799 LUNA. A current USD value of ~$66,000.

Not bad for only a couple days on the market! #TerraAutumn

Next up: Sales (LUNA) vs Rarity.

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