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Morning anchor @KTNV Regional Murrow/Emmy Award-winner, @UCBerkeley alum; Retweets are not endorsements

Oct 12, 2021, 8 tweets

At the @LCPSOfficial school board meeting where the board is now heading into closed session to discuss the appointment of a new school board member @7NewsDC

And we’re back

There are two motions to fill Leslee King’s seat. The first is for Andrew Hoyler. The second is for Katrecia Nolen. @7NewsDC

The board chooses Andrew Hoyler (blue suit) to fill the vacant Broad Run District seat. @7NewsDC

Andrew Hoyler is now signing the oath after being chosen by the board to fill the vacant Broad Run District seat. @7NewsDC

The school board has now started discussing the bus driver shortage and how it’s affecting @LCPSOfficial. @7NewsDC

Transportation leaders say this dramatic shift within the last few months can be attributed to enhanced recruiting efforts. @7NewsDC

Here are some of those recruiting efforts. @7NewsDC

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