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Hi. Local. Haley Orion. Unprofessional + independent. Writes about AZ hate politix & far-right losers for @LCRWNews + more |🎙️@HellwQrld | 🌵

Oct 12, 2021, 13 tweets

🧵 of Arizona politicians & candidates grifting off the lie of “decertification” after the results Maricopa “audit."

Two things to note: 1. The audit report didn’t allege fraud or call for decertification, Doug Logan doesn’t even agree with it 2. Decertification is not a thing.

(Obviously) First is Sen. Wendy Rogers, queen of the decertification grift.

Wendy been non-stop calling to decertify the 2020 election (not her race though) and fundraising off of it. Her “petition to decertify”even kicks you to a donation page, lul.

Wendy built her celebrity off this audit so she ain’t stopping now.
She’ll also be at the Vegas Qcon later this month talking about decertification with a bunch of Q influencers, Ron Watkins, & fellow AZ republicans Rep. Mark Finchem, Sen. Sonny Borrelli, & Rep. Leo Biasiucci.

There's also a site selling ugly "Decertify AZ" merch (including masks) that links you to Wendy's petition.

Rep. Finchem and SOS candidate is simultaneously campaigning and fundraising to "audit Pima County" and also "decertify Arizona." (?)

Probably significant that the person who wants to run the Arizona elections is running with this grift.…

Rep. Finchem also been publicly supporting Tina Peters and her definitely illegal actions in Colorado after they both appeared at Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium.…

Top republican gubernatorial candidate and local clown, Kari Lake, has also been campaigning and grifting off the lie of “decertification” usually alongside Steve Bannon. She's appeared on his show promoting "decertification" and co-hosted the Cyber Symposium with him.

IMO, Kari truly highlights the “decertify” grift. Months into the audit, she admitted in a Steve Bannon interview she even didn’t know anything about the audit. After his disappointment in her answer, she’s changed her tune and has been riding the scam ever since.

Senate candidate, president of the Thiel Foundation, and noted ghoul Blake Masters is also by calling for "decertification" on (surprise surprise) Steve Bannon’s show.

A list of Arizona republicans also signed on to Wendy Roger’s letter to decertify. Almost everyone on this list also called for the Maricopa elections to be decertified back in December 2020. Full list of includes 3 AZ state senators and 9 representatives.

Sen. Townsend signed her name onto Wendy's list and has also called for "decertification" but seems to have hurt herself in confusion after she FINALLY Googled that decertification might not even be a thing 😱.

This woman has a career in politics, smfh.

We also have Kelli Ward, chairman of the entire @AZGOP calling for decertification, as well as the main funders of the audit, including Patrick Byrne, Lin Wood, Michael Flynn.…

The other main outlets that have been promoting the lie of "decertification" are The Gateway Pundit & OAN aka the same disinformation rags that spread a bunch of BS during the election & audit. And of course, Jordan Conradson & Christina Bobb are the loudest voices.

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