Michael Sheetz Profile picture
Director of Investor Relations @Firefly_Space | Previously @CNBC

Oct 13, 2021, 17 tweets

Liftoff for Blue Origin mission #NS18!

The New Shepard rocket launches into the Texas sky – carrying William Shatner, Audrey Powers, Chris Boshuizen, and Glen de Vries.
cnbc.com/2021/10/13/wat… #BlueOrigin

Onboard view as the BE-3 engine of New Shepard cuts off

#NS18 capsule separation from the booster

.@WilliamShatner and the #NS18 crew are in space

@WilliamShatner Captain Kirk officially made it to space, with the #NS18 capsule hitting an altitude of about 107 kilometers (~351,000 feet)

The #NS18 New Shepard rocket booster returns, landing back on the ground – the 4th completed flight for this booster:

The New Shepard capsule deploys its three main parachutes as it returns the #NS18 crew to Earth

Shatner, over the radio: "That was unlike anything they described."

#NS18 capsule touchdown

The Blue Origin recovery team are racing across the desert floor out to the #NS18 capsule

Blue Origin's Crew Member 7 Sarah Knights is going around the capsule, giving a thumbs up to each of the crew

Bezos also gives the #NS18 crew a thumbs up

Bezos opens the hatch

Audrey Powers is the first out

Shatner is next, giving Bezos a hug

Then customers Boshuizen and Glen de Vries exit

Bezos offers Shatner champagne, who declines, and then celebrates with the recovery team #NS18

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