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Independent reporter in Southern California. “arguably the most influential legal journalist working today” - Washington Post | Subscribe $ to my Substack ⬇️

Oct 13, 2021, 8 tweets

Here’s a new thread-worthy one: Lawyers suing Cardi B (@iamcardib) wanted her sanctioned and ordered to trial ASAP after she partied in Paris following a trial delay related to her newborn son. But U.S. District Judge Cormac Carney here in Orange County said no.

This is a lawsuit on behalf of the guy pictured (partially) on @iamcardib's first album. It accuses Cardi of misappropriating his likeness in “a misleading, offensive, humiliating and provocatively sexual way” Here's the complaint:

The case was headed to trial later this month, but Judge Carney delayed it to Feb. 1 at the request of Cardi’s lawyers, who cited the fact that she’d given birth and the COVID risk with hotels and airports. Here's a dec from @iamcardib herself.

However, Cardi isn’t sitting home bored. She’s got places to be, including Paris Fashion Week w/ hubby @OffsetYRN. The plaintiff lawyers collected coverage of their Paris fun as exhibits in their request for accountability for her “all about me” approach.

“Beginning from Defendants’ efforts for two years to transfer venue to New York while claiming, incredibly, that Ms. Almanzar had no contacts with California, Defendants’ cynicism toward the legal process and the rights of others has grown breathtaking in its audacity.”

In response, @iamcardib called the accusations “libelous.” “Plaintiff suggests that I told the Court I “could not travel or making public appearances” at all for at least the next couple of months. I never made that statement.” Here's her declaration:

In an order yesterday, Judge Carney sided with Cardi. Is he a fan of Bodak Yellow? I don’t know, but he made it clear in his order he’s sympathetic to Cardi’s hectic schedule and mindful of her motherhood duties.

The judge says Cardi “explains why traveling to Paris Fashion Week was different than traveling for this trial…” Here's the full order:
As of now, the trial is set for Feb. 1, and I plan on checking it out. Stay tuned. ⚖️🧵⚖️

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