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Oct 13, 2021, 14 tweets

Aubrey Cottle aka Kirtaner – Bowmanville Ontario Canada: A primer on Law Enforcement cooperation, SWATting, racism and antisemitism.

aka RealOGAnonymous, ThatOGAnonymous renatriK, ThatNotoriousK

CONTENT WARNING: Racism, hate, Nazi imagery.

Aubrey Cottle has at minimum, a six-year history of stating he has cooperated with, or worked for multiple different Law Enforcement organizations, including INTERPOL, the RCMP & the FBI.

In addition, Cottle has talked extensively about running honeypots for child pornography involving multiple different sites.

Cottle’s outright admissions to working with state intelligence agencies are not just past or present, but over time. In addition, he has outright encouraged his audience on Twitter to contact UK authorities to have a longtime journalist and activist “forced to seek help”.


In addition to his statements about law enforcement, Cottle has a long history of making racist and antisemitic remarks, including posting pictures of swastikas, pro-Hitler, anti-Black racial slurs and posts with statements advocating death of Black and Jewish people.

Cottle has worked to have himself named “Founder of Anonymous”, which was published in The Atlantic, in August 2020. The author admits in public posts that this entire claim is purely of Cottle’s own mind. They have yet to issue a correction or footnote to the article.

Under screen names Kirtaner, RealOGAnonymous, ThatOGAnonymous renatriK, TerrakinX & ThatNotoriousK on Twitter, Aubrey has been quite vocal about hacks surrounding Parler, Gab & Epik.


His statements are clearly the work of someone who would like quite a lot of attention for themselves and those around them.

His behavior & statements appear very similar in nature to Sabu’s, after being arrested, agreeing to become a CI for the FBI in less than 24 hours, forming Antisec in less than a month & coordinating the hack of Stratfor, released on Christmas that year.

Sabu's cooperation with the FBI led to the imprisonment of other activists, and harassment/arrests of their families and loved ones.

“i’ve done work for the fbi before and i give zero fucks”
~Aubrey Cottle aka Kirtaner via Twitter
January 20th, 2017

Update: This article was updated on 10/14/2021 at 11:54am PT due to relevant, continued encouragement to his Twitter audience to SWAT an activist who is currently seeking asylum. ([18] & [19] inside)

I don't believe Aubrey has attained his medical license

REMINDER: Listen to @BarrettB Brown, who is being threatened with SWATting attempts by Aubrey Cottle aka Kirtaner. He is clear, coherent, happy & not alone.
Video: archive.org/details/barret…
Barrett's post:

Aubrey Cottle is contacting seemingly any party possible in an attempt to try to get them to provide him and Libby support, or integrate them into their circles.

“Libby Shaw, an SMIU Study & Behind the Scenes Influence Operations” firestormonfash.noblogs.org/post/2020/08/1…

Gregg Housh played a large part in platforming Aubrey Cottle. This is FBI cooperator Gregg’s plea deal, detailed.

Read it.

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