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I look to the hills

Oct 13, 2021, 8 tweets

Nicola Sturgeon Eco Warrior.
A short story.
Once upon a time, there was an independence referendum in Scotland. Oil money was crucial to the Nationalist economic argument. Sturgeon predicted an oil boom..

We were 'on the verge of a North Sea bonanza'..

In the run up to the UK GE in 2015, the Green Queen of Scotland showcased the world's first Tesla Helicopter...

Later that year, she became the nation's self declared champion for oil exploration...

Oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil oil...

Now, as Glasgow gets ready for COP26, Govanhill's very own Swampy has put a bunch of freaks without a Constituency seat to their name in Govt, & is prancing about like Greta Thunberg's fairy Godmother, talking to anyone that's stupid enough to listen...

Better still, Russia, China & the US are going to shut down their entire countries because she's extended Glasgow bin collections to once a month..
Who actually believes this drivel???
She's went from Digger Barns to Digger Yarns in the space of 5 minutes.

Sturgeon is often described as a conviction politician. She's nothing of the sort. She doesn't believe a word she says, & will hitch herself to whatever bandwagon rolls by.
Climate Utd.
The only team I ever wanted to play for.
She changes, dare I say it, like the weather...

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