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Progressive Conservative is a thing. Science is real. Government can't fix everything. Get vaccinated by choice to protect America. Patriot by choice.

Oct 13, 2021, 7 tweets

So about Rod of Iron Ministries who just bought a big piece of property in Tennessee to build a compound. He held a big rally this weekend with a who's who of Republicans. And the story is weird. Sean Moon son of a religious leader considers himself a king....a thread.

So anyway the American born Harvard trained son of the Unification Church (moonies) likes guns. ESPECIALLY BIG GUNS oh and Alex Jones. He and a bunch of his folks were in Washington on January 6th. He's on multiple platforms and yikes....

So they are on a mission and it seems to include a new #Constitution does anyone every read? Yeah its weird. The Bible thumping gun toting dude who listens to AC/ DC (saw it on Instagram) has written a 19 page new US Constitution. -

I just am putting up the preamble and the last page. Most people are to lazy to read . Of course go to his website to read the whole crazy. Its was giving away Trump assault gun His brothers a gun manufacturer. Oh and he's appointed himself the new king. Is trump the jester?

His freedom event had a lot of folks speaking in between the gun shooting and Harley rides...including according to the website...SteveBannon.
Filled with conspiracy and guns and the big lie and muh on brand.

So @DLoesch was a draw apparently. Is she all in on rewriting the Constitution or did she need the work ? Of course they are affiliated with the NRA.

Oh and Joey Gibson with patriot prayer was a MC for the freedom awards. I guess its good his trial on multiple charges was postponed. Like who the heck are these people following this crazy. The king with a gold gun of the New United States of Cheon 11 guk rides a Harley.

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