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Oct 14, 2021, 6 tweets

Today is #WorldSightDay👁️

More than 2 billion people have a vision impairment or blindness and at least 1 billion of those could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed.

Take care of your eyes. Get regular eye checks!

It's #WorldSightDay

The leading causes of reduced eyesight are
👁️Refractive errors
👁️Age-related macular degeneration
👁️Diabetic retinopathy
👁️Corneal opacity

Have you had your eyes checked?

It's #WorldSightDay

While most people with vision impairment are over the age of 50, vision loss can affect people of all ages.
Take care of your eyes. Get regular eye checks!


People living in low- & middle-income regions are 4⃣ times more likely to have distance vision impairment.

Women, older people & persons with disabilities are also at increased risk.

See what can be done to prevent this:


It's #WorldSightDay

Too much time spent indoors & intensive near vision activity lead to more people suffering from nearsightedness or myopia. Taking regular breaks & spending more time outdoors can reduce this risk.

Get regular 👀 eye checks!


It's #WorldSightDay

WHO ‘World Report on Vision’ provides
☑ evidence
☑ effective strategies
☑ recommendations
to help countries boost their efforts to reduce the burden of eye conditions & vision impairment.

Download the report:

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