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Oct 14, 2021, 7 tweets

This is the moment Al Jazeera's @ZeinakhodrAljaz was interrupted by gunfire and RPG explosions in Beirut.

Several people have been killed and dozens wounded by gunfire at a Hezbollah-led protest over the Beirut port investigation

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Gun battles have broken out in Beirut after violence at a protest on Thursday.

Several people were reported killed when snipers fired on a Hezbollah-led protest, calling for the removal of a judge investigating last year’s massive port blast.

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UPDATE: Gunfire has killed at least six people and wounded more than 30 near Beirut protest.

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Several killed and dozens wounded as gunfire erupts near Beirut protest against the judge investigating the port explosion — in pictures

“The guns have fallen silent and it seems there is an undeclared truce after four hours of clashes.”

Relative calm restored in Beirut reports Al Jazeera’s Zeina Khodr.

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“This could be the end of Lebanon as an independent state.”

One analyst gives his view on the gun battles that broke out in Beirut on Thursday.

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Lebanese army arrests nine people after deadly violence rocks Beirut.

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