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Oct 14, 2021, 9 tweets


Man...Re:Zero just literally PEAKED here!
Some Brief Thoughts:

In particular, this arc deals with Subaru been involved in the events where he knows that the end point of the story is a disaster in Mather's mansion and he has died number of times trying to

figure out how to overcome this particular event. After dying again and again he realize that, at this point he just does not has the power to outdo it by himself and Rem, so he decides to take action by finding allies so he can arrive at the mansion with a bigger force.

Now at this point of series, every Re:zero reader should realize that Subaru is a hot blooded, impetuous individual who his driven by his sense of righteousness and because he has seen such horrors he has this thought that everybody will want to avoid those things from happening

regardless of just how emotionally or physically involved with this situation. It's an immature belief and one that is pretty mercilessly demonstrated to him time and time again. This and previous volumes has demonstrated previously and continues in a sanguinary manner to just

show how weak Subaru is and how as a character he has a lot of failings and not just failings because he doesn't understand this world but failings because he doesn't understand the inhabitants, because he doesn't understand the culture, because he doesn't understand himself and

this volume in particular is a big part of that whole journey of self-discovery, reinforcing to him what kind of world he has been born into, what kind of people inhabit that world and opens his eyes to his naivety which is why this particular conversation between Subaru and Rem

is such a pivotal moment of this whole journey. That conversation is a huge pay off to Subaru's character, a huge pay off to his journey of self-discovery, self awareness, shortcomings and demons. It's a huge pay off to Rem's character, this conversation which is just strictly

dialogue adds meaning to Rem's character, adds meaning to her feelings for Subaru, adds meaning to there relationship and also demonstrates how multi dimensional the characters are. You can literally see Re:Zero from a whole different point of view after this.

Finished Volume 6
Easily my favourite volume so far, Looking forward to the rest of the story. Amen!

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