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Not playing idiot's Nazi Twitter any more. #COVIDisAirborne 🌬️🔅-wear N95 pic: P Smith. Made w typewriter. Had c palsy

Oct 14, 2021, 11 tweets

When I sample virus in air, I moisten a Q-tip, wave in the air, then bottle it up.



(bottom line in pic)

cc @jljcolorado @kprather88 correct method right?

Why are you grinding your teeth? I can hear it from Canada.

@drkristenkc This is pretty solid science right here, right?


Oh no due to popular demand I will drop the following

Oh heck, here you go. They chose to publish this. Not my problem they did a stupid. Why I bothered to try to keep names out of this nonsense is beyond me.

Published in CID.

So, Q-tip doesn't work, and of course result of paper is conclusion: fomites.

Great work.


AND WAVE IT LIKE YOU JUST DON'T CARE (about accurate virological results, at all, or your scientific integrity really, or what people think of any of your results from this point forward)

... this article brought to you by the same Center for Diisease Control that brought you "Ebola is not in the air and that 90 person outbreak at the funeral parlor was because African burial rites, and everybody was touching the body and hugging"


Go back to waving q-tips

I wish this clarified whether the defibrillator machine was on or off at the time.

Because of the Q-tip thing, I feel I need this clarification.

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