MattKane.eth 🎨 Profile picture
Artist & Coder. 🕳️🐢 🍃: 🌘: 🚪: 🐸: @notkamotos 🕸️: 🤝: 🖼️: @newherexyz

Oct 14, 2021, 9 tweets

I'm SO grateful to have worked with @SuperRare in launching the new #Series feature. The Door couldn't have found a more appropriate beginning! A great way to learn more about #TheDoor is with this video: (1/7)

For an artist, a series is often about the evolution of ideas - the discovery and experimentation that takes place while investigating conceptual or visual curiosities. Since June, The Door marked my return to an almost undivided focus on my daily artistic practice.(2/7)

These are the first NFTs on @SuperRare with attributes/traits. 🙏 Click "View Details."
There are 56 Doors to date.
I will mint more Doors.
I will create more Doors.
Not all Doors I create will be minted.
I've never minted an edition.
I've only ever minted the best.

An artist's series is concerned with creative abundance. It's necessary in order to advance an idea and discover where they're heading next. The Door is an on-going investigation that's already evolved and spawned into other works and ideas. It has legs and is running! (4/7)

I worked full-time, daily for 7 years on my custom software. This upfront investment of time allows me to now rapidly investigate conceptual and design oriented curiosities on the daily. As time & other pursuits allow, The Door is presently part of my daily practice. (5/7)

For me, it's essential that The Door has had 4 months to grow and mature - safe proofing it's early evolution and paths from becoming effected by a market more than the artist's creative direction. (6/7)…

HODLing #1! I've set low reserves on rest to respect the market. I'll likely be minting more often than you've observed from me in the past. DYOR, you'll grin. I look forward to welcoming old & new collectors into what's been my daily practice and all it will evolve into!🙏(7/7)

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