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New York Times columnist, visiting professor @lipscomb, Iraq vet, married to @NancyAFrench. Sign up for my NYT newsletter here: https://t.co/82vZEPPuWe…

Oct 14, 2021, 9 tweets

In which I weigh in on the third party debate. Yes, @JonahDispatch is right. If you believe conservative policies and principles provide the best opportunities for our nation and its people to flourish, it's time to think beyond the binary choice: /1 frenchpress.thedispatch.com/p/jonah-is-rig…

It's just wrong to think that conservative critics merely have a problem with Trump, and when he's gone then we can all hold hands. The GOP is in a moral free-fall. It's ideologically incoherent and increasingly authoritarian. How do I distrust the GOP? Let's count it up: /2

I don’t trust the GOP on election integrity. I believe that it is infected almost top to bottom by a combination of conspiracists and cowards who would, in fact, try to steal an American election (again). /3

Is it good on free speech and civil liberties? Nope. /4

Is it solid on foreign policy? Not at all. /5

Debt and deficits? Hilarious. /6

Is the party ready to deal with America's racial divides? I don't think so. /7

What do I believe? It's not hard to describe, and neither party fits this bill: /8

The conclusion? It’s time to stop thinking about binaries. Parties have to earn your support, and if they don’t share the disposition or ideology that you think is best for the nation you love, then it’s time to find (or create) the party that will. /end frenchpress.thedispatch.com/p/jonah-is-rig…

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