Kedar | 𑘎𑘹𑘟𑘰𑘨⚡ Profile picture

Oct 15, 2021, 8 tweets

Lines frm 17th cent. poet Adnyandas's poem(powada) on depicting the assault on Afzal Khan similar to Ravan Vadh
अज्ञानदास विनवी श्रोत्याला। राजा अवतारी जन्मला॥
नळनीळ सुग्रीव जांबूवंत। अंगद हनुमंत रघुनाथाला॥
एकांती भांडन। जैसें राम रावणाला॥
तैसा शिवाजी सर्जा। एकांती नाटोपे कोणाला॥

Gist: "Raja is an incarnation of Supreme being. There is an army of Nala-Neel, Sugreev, jambuvant, Angad and Hanuman for this Rama.
As Ravana alone cannot defeat shri Rama, nobody alone can contain Shivaji Raja."

Similar lines are used in 17th century chronicle "Jedhe Shakawali" at the end of Afzal Khan chapter... And the lines are so apt.
"As there are Angad and Hanuman for Rama,
Armies of Jedhe and Bandal (बांदल= बाण दल) are there for Shivaji Raja."

We get a description about Shivaji Maharaj's attire in the episode of Umbarkhind (Defeating Kartalab Khan) in 17th century Sanskrit chronicle Shri Shivbharat by Kavi Parmananda Newaskar and ShivDigvijay chronicle.The similarities to Lord Rama grabs the attention of reader's mind.

Posting the description from Shivbharat in below pic.
Paramananda says something on the lines of.., "Shivaji Raja mounted on horse looked like Lord Vishnu with his armour and on his Garuda with his wings wide spread..."

Another set of few lines from Shivbharat comparing Shivaji Maharaj with Lord Indra and his weapon, a Vajra !
This is described towards the end of Afzal Khan episode...

Equating historical figures as supreme ones times is a norm in today's times..But doing the same in that era itself, speaks of the greatness of the deeds and enigma of that person.
Afterall what प्रजा wants to see is the victory of Good over evil.Nd that's what matters

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