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Oct 15, 2021, 21 tweets

Learn about DAOs from @_kinjalbshah in this episode of On The Other Side by @chaserchapman

There's plenty of insights to be gained here πŸ’‘πŸ‘€πŸ‘‡

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman Background

πŸ”Ή Joined the space 4 years ago when she was with @Fidelity
πŸ”Ή Had to figure out which use cases to be prioritized
πŸ”Ή Fell in love with the ecosystem
πŸ”Ή Joined @blockchaincap
πŸ”Ή Co-Founded @KomorebiFund, a DAO focused on investing in female & non-binary founders

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund The next 5 years

πŸ”Ή Bucket it into 2 categories:
1️⃣ What can people do with NFTs?
2️⃣ DAO landscape
πŸ”Ή Unsure whether DAOs will go mainstream
πŸ”Ή DAOs are opt-in communities; you get what you put in
πŸ”Ή Trend is to have 1000s of small communities
πŸ”Ή DAO onboarding is ⬆️ challenging

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund Accessibility of DAOs

πŸ”Ή Accessibility exists on a spectrum. Some DAOs just require a purchase of the token while others have a higher barrier to entry
πŸ”Ή Trying to figure out how to scale DAOs by doing experiments πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬
πŸ”Ή Unsure whether social scalability can be solved soon

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund Feasibility of on-chain reputation

πŸ”Ή 50 years ago, career reputation was based on your resume and ppl vouching for you
πŸ”Ή Today, freelancers have a portfolio of their contributions to various projects/DAOs
πŸ”Ή This reputation is carried along with them wherever they go

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund Value creation

πŸ”Ή DAOs are thinking about monetizing content rather than putting it out for free
πŸ”Ή Wrote a piece with @Cooopahtroopa about tokens representing ownership of a community
πŸ”Ή When people contribute to DAOs, they are helping the value of the community go up

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa On Micro-Economies

πŸ”Ή Wrote a piece with Cooper Turley about the Rise of Micro-economies
πŸ”Ή Popular concept from early 2000s where the internet enables a 1000 true fans that can create a sustainable biz for one person πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦
πŸ”Ή Fans feel attachment to a given cause or mission

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa πŸ”Ή Starting to see such small communities scale when it comes to value creation
πŸ”Ή Instead of organizing around geography or a LLC, people are organizing around a digital state/city where anybody can participate in πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦πŸŒ

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa Creator Middle Class

πŸ”Ή Idea that people want to become influencers
πŸ”Ή Only top 1% of them get to that point
πŸ”Ή The rest belongs to the Creator Middle Class
πŸ”Ή Evolving from wanting millions of followers to a small group of passionate followers

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa Value of holding a token

πŸ”Ή Governance token price is determined by the market
πŸ”Ή Strong token = strong hodlers
πŸ”Ή Large DeFi DAOs have billions in treasuries
πŸ”Ή What is critical is having something to govern and a strong community with conviction in the DAO πŸ’ͺ

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa Differentiating btw Building & Governing

πŸ”Ή @kaiynne made a post differentiating the two
πŸ”Ή Kinjal offered a slightly different framework:
1️⃣ Financial health of a DAO
2️⃣ Social health of a DAO
πŸ”Ή Building products ➑️ financial health
πŸ”Ή Building community ➑️ social health

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa @kaiynne πŸ”Ή Doesn't think you can separate the two from each other
πŸ”Ή More like a funnel/hierarchy where everything is governance, but not everyone should be deciding everything in governance
πŸ”Ή Have to make sure to get the right person to make those decisions

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa @kaiynne Best Practices in DAOs

πŸ”Ή Different communities have different objectives, but still, there might be some standardization
πŸ”Ή Still in the experimental phase and we would not know what's coming in the future

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa @kaiynne Time horizon for DAO adoption

πŸ”Ή Hype curve ➑️ things slowing down ➑️ infrastructure gets built ➑️ rising back up again
πŸ”Ή Will differ across different types of DAOs
πŸ”Ή DeFi DAOs have reached a level of maturity
πŸ”Ή Expecting social tokens to be the next breakout category πŸ‘€

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa @kaiynne Infrastructure

πŸ”Ή Big missing piece is a DIY DApp that can integrate the entire tech stack in 5 - 10 mins and allow the user to user a bundle of tools and services
πŸ”Ή Consolidating Discord, Telegram, Snapshot, and Discourse into one

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa @kaiynne NFTs:

πŸ”Ή A wallet that is super accessible
πŸ”Ή Progress is being made in this area, but there's still more infrastructure to come
πŸ”Ή On the backend, one has to ask:
1️⃣ Who is hosting the NFT?
2️⃣ Who is owning the IP?
3️⃣ What does the price history look like

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa @kaiynne Onboarding more users or catering to crypto natives?

πŸ”Ή Many valid points of view. Heard from a few founders that they pick one path and then double down on it
πŸ”Ή Concerning the former, it's about making sure that users are not confused and can purchase things easily

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa @kaiynne πŸ”Ή Concerning the latter, it is okay for your product to be more clunky or make your users jump through more hoops. The user is willing and excited to appreciate the nuances of what you are building in crypto
πŸ”Ή Both approaches are valid. Important to know which you are choosing

@_kinjalbshah @chaserchapman @Fidelity @blockchaincap @KomorebiFund @Cooopahtroopa @kaiynne Like our work?

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Stay strong, apes 🦍πŸ’ͺ

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