Richard Hanania Profile picture
President, @CSPICenterOrg. Former @UTAustin, @ColumbiaSIPA. If you like the tweets, subscribe at for the more thought out versions

Oct 15, 2021, 5 tweets

Reading San Fransicko by Michael Shellenberger, will interview soon. The ACLU wants to arrest people defecating on the street only if they're a "frat boy" but not if they're homeless. People obsess about their new gender ideology, ignore all the ACLU has done for public safety.

"The white attorney’s office in Berkeley had massive posters of the black prison leaders on the walls, and a staff of young white women, noted a sociologist at the time. 'All of ’em had picked one of ’em as the one that she was worshipping.'”

Few young people probably even know the story of Jim Jones, and how a cult leader who killed 907 people was a major figure in Democratic politics. If he was Nixon's buddy they would be reminded.

Important point: activist organizations and non-profits seem more influential than politicians on the homelessness issue. Gov funds NGOs, which then capture government.

In 1977, Harvey Milk ran on getting rid of dog poop. Now San Francisco has progressed to the point where human waste is the problem.

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