Branko Milanovic Profile picture
1) Income inequality; 2) Politics; 3) History; 4) Soccer. Author of "Global inequality" and "Capitalism, Alone" (2019). Stone Center, CUNY; LSE, London

Oct 15, 2021, 14 tweets

Covers of "Capitalism, Alone".
Starting with the original and then going on.

English-language paperback: very nice.

French: very similar to the English paperback. I do not know if there was some mutual influence.

Greek. No book is complete without a text in Greek.

Different title and a different cover in Italian.

Introduction of the term global and the cover page to reflect it in German.

A friend said that the Spanish title is better than the original...."....nada mas".

The Portuguese title is the same as French.

The Turkish title is a direct translation from the original.

As is the Bulgarian translation, but with "Alone" coming before "Capitalism".

Serbian translation (on which there were several variants) ended up being exactly the same as the original including the comma.

In Taiwan, it is published in Chinese complex with the English original title on the cover page.

Hungarian translation is also the same as the original title although the two words are inverted: "Alone" comes first.

And I missed a few: Japanese & Korean. I have the Japanese translation at home; its cover page is very elegant with a silver trim on the top and bottom.

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