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Space Reporter @CNBC | send anonymous tips via Proton to spacetips@proton.me or Signal to +1 (201) 730-2511 | pitches michael.sheetz@nbcuni.com

Oct 15, 2021, 23 tweets

Video thread – Hear Inspiration4 commander @rookisaacman describe the orbital spaceflight experience in our recent Q&A: cnbc.com/2021/10/12/spa…

First: Any new takeaways from the crew's debrief at SpaceX HQ?

@rookisaacman How do you describe the feeling of space adaptation syndrome?

@rookisaacman What was the launch experience like?

@rookisaacman What did you hear and feel inside of SpaceX's Crew Dragon at liftoff?

@rookisaacman There are several events during the launch, so how do you experience those?

@rookisaacman Did you feel a change when weightlessness began?

@rookisaacman What does the lack of gravity feel like inside Dragon?

@rookisaacman When did you get your first view out of Dragon?

@rookisaacman Was each day in orbit on a tight schedule?

@rookisaacman What is sleeping in space like? Did you have any trouble getting used to sleeping?

@rookisaacman Since you were trained to fly Dragon, did you ever take control and fly or reorient the spacecraft?

@rookisaacman Did you have any other regrets from your time on orbit or wish you brought other things along with you?

@rookisaacman What were your favorite moments with just yourself and the crew in space?

@rookisaacman What did the reentry experience feel like inside the capsule? (1/2)

@rookisaacman What did the reentry experience feel like inside the capsule? (2/2)

@rookisaacman How about the feeling of the parachutes deploying and splashdown?

@rookisaacman Were there any adjustments from returning to gravity?

@rookisaacman What happened after splashdown?

@rookisaacman When did you find out Elon Musk was donating $50 million to the campaign for St. Jude?

@rookisaacman What has it been like to go back to “normal” life on Earth?

@rookisaacman What would entice you to go on another spaceflight?

@rookisaacman Any other thoughts about your experience?

@rookisaacman Thank you again to Jared for taking the time to talk in-depth about the Inspiration4 crew's experience. I learned a lot, and hope others did too.

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