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Oct 16, 2021, 10 tweets

Hello live from the L.A. Times Book Club! Tonight we’re welcoming Academy Award-winning director Ron Howard and actor Clint Howard to discuss their memoir, “The Boys.”latimes.com/entertainment-…

We’ve got some intro tunes courtesy of our very own @CGPriceisRight !

This view tho 😍

The L.A. Times Book Club is convening tonight at the Rooftop Terrace at L.A. Live. latimes.com/entertainment-…

“This is so exciting!!!!” -@marymacTV #latimesbookclub

Same, Mary.

Ron Howard shares that Tom Hanks (!) shared some tips with him on how to start writing a memoir. latimes.com/entertainment-…

Any “Happy Days” fans out there? Marion Ross is here tonight!!! #latimesbookclub

“The memories are still pretty darn vivid.” -@theclinthoward, on filming “Gentle Ben” and more during his childhood latimes.com/entertainment-…

“Go Dodgers” - Academy Award-winning director Ron Howard, 2021

Hey, Ron and Clint… Howard! This is exciting!!!

Want to join the L.A. Times Book Club? Find out about upcoming events, book coverage and more. latimes.com/entertainment-…

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