Ponzi Maximalist Profile picture
Sailing the high seas of Metaverse.

Oct 16, 2021, 16 tweets

And let's not forget about the "Cyberattack with Covid-like characteristics"... #GreatReset, Phase 2.

Coming soon to the theatres close to you.

Jan 18th, 2021.

I am not even kidding...Here's the summary.

Cyber Virus will spread very fast and exponentially. (well, of course..)

Fortunately, cyber attacks - AT LEAST UNTIL NOW - have not impacted our health the way pandemics have...BUT..

The only way how to stop the propagation of the virus...

Is to FULLY DISCONNECT the millions of devices from one another...

And from the INTERNET! Ha, offline b*itches, no IG, FB, Twitter and no cat videos!

All of this in a matter of days.

Then some rumbling about Transport and Healthcare...

Covid 19 was apparently an anticipated risk...(well, it was)

Let's get the party started!

The time is soon.

Enjoy kids, Klaus & Co.

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