Jo Maugham Profile picture
Director @GoodLawProject. King's Counsel. Live your values. Fight the power. Keep the receipts. He/him.

Oct 16, 2021, 9 tweets

We are leading western Europe in terms of hospital admissions...

... and in terms of deaths.

Why might this be?

Well, we are leading Western Europe in abandoning masks.

And we are leading Western Europe in terms of returning to public transport.

And we are leading Western Europe in terms of returning to large gatherings.

We are doing spectacularly badly relative to our peers when it comes to vaccinating children.

And of all of the deaths of those below 19 in England from Covid 18.75% (12/64) have occured since the start of September 2021.…

(We are doing better when it comes to giving boosters to those already fully vaccinated, ie older people.)

For further analysis - see this piece from which the charts were taken.

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