Robert May Profile picture
Builder of compelling solutions for the property industry

Oct 16, 2021, 7 tweets

Do NOT dismiss this because someone you know did this
Don't tell others it doesn't work

Natural Google search results for a 'high value SEO phrase'

properties for sale in (where you sell)

#1 Portal
#2 Portal
#3 single branch of a rummage4 customer
#4 Portal
#5 Portal

@SimonShinerock @choicesuk probably hasn't noticed what our system is doing for him, even passive users see the benefit of our white hat SEO

#1 Portal
#2 Portal
#3 Portal
#4 passive rummage4 user
#5 the might @foxtons

@RicPickford is a very hard man to please but look what we're doing for him

#1 Rightmove
#2 Rightmove they need 20 years of agent's data to pull off the 'ole 1-2'
#3 @snapes_
#4 @OnTheMarketCom (consistently ahead of)
#5 Zoopla

rummage4 IS NOT an SEO service, it generates a lot of white hat SEO content and delivers exception results but it isn't paid for SEO that claims or guarantees results.
rummage4 is brand reinforcement designed to promote an agent, the services they offer and the homes they list

Not just top of page 1 Google, the whole of page 1 Google and the whole of page 2 too.

... and 60% of page 3 too

to compare this is what normally happens when an individual agency or branch goes up against the portals and the weight of content data and £millions they spend on SEO

Try a Google search for your brand and your patch...... 26 to beat!

This isn't portal thinking, this is #PSP

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