IrelandsFarmers Profile picture
A different Irish farmer tweets weekly. Thanks to all the contributors. Account organised by @OuttheGapPodca1

Oct 16, 2021, 20 tweets

Good morning from Cahir. We're packed and ready to head to @CahirFarmers.

Some of my stops this morning, @MyTastyIE. Barry and Myriam make the products, which won big at @BlasNahEireann two weeks ago.

And @pabutler90 with his potatoes, but more particularly the free range chicken and pork.

Such flavour.

Pat Hartley with fish landed in Kilmore Quay, Dunmore East, and Boatstrand. Glistening with freshness.

Turbot and sea bream.

Aisling from @ClonmoreFarm with lots of lovely produce, including organically certified vegetables.

I eat a few bags each week.

Lorraine from Sweet obsession.

The daily bread.

A minute on the lips.

Angela with her fermented foods. Kimchi, sauerkraut. "Goodie" is the name, called after an aunt of hers.

From Keith and Jim and Jim. Irish grapes and pears.

More from Keith and Jim and Jim.

That's @jbuckley188

Teresa, Liam and Amy for the teas and cakes.

John for the plants.

Myriam from @MyTastyIE

And for your furry friends.

And our stall, featuring 4 different apple varieties.

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