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Oct 16, 2021, 10 tweets

As 1029 approaches next week we get closer to Ch 130 & the possibility of @yuderon1's prediction on Vegapunk coming true. My own Vegapunk theory is attached to this and soon we may have an answer on his identity.

He may not be the CP0 leader but i'm almost certain he is coming!

I'm not sure how many people notice this but all of Vegapunk's experiments have a link to Wano.

Let me break them down here


The seastone Vegapunk used on his ship mods, comes from Wano

Artificial Devil Fruits, are a main theme of Wano

Gigantification appears through The Numbers and Onigashima itself

Lineage Factors / Bloodline Elements, are the link between all of these experiments, also highlighted in Wano

Cybernetics appear through Queen & the Mary cyborgs and Queen himself even has a personal connection, through MADs.

All of Vegapunk's experiments have a connection to Wano!

It would make sense then, if through the World Government's coming invasion, we the the amalgamation of all of these experiments.

The SSG!

It's very possible that Vegapunk himself will be revealed in Wano!

Check out the original thread I made where I first mentioned this idea.

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