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Oct 16, 2021, 6 tweets


Olive harvest season is underway in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Here's a look at how Palestinian olive farmers face systematic attacks by Israeli settlers across the occupied West Bank 👇

Olive trees have been cultivated across Palestine for thousands of years, becoming a symbol of resilience against Israeli occupation.

An estimated 10 million olive trees are planted in almost ½ of all cultivated land across the occupied West Bank & Gaza

In 2019, the Palestinian governorates of Jenin, Tubas and Northern Valleys produced the highest quantity of olive oil, followed by Tulkarm and Gaza, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics

According to a study, Israeli authorities have uprooted 800,000 Palestinian olive trees in the occupied West Bank since 1967.

Many Palestinian farmers require Israeli permits to access their land in restricted areas near illegal Israeli settlements

During the 2020 olive harvest season, @UNOCHA documented at least 26 Palestinians injured and more than 1,700 trees vandalised.

As of October 4, 2021, at least 365 settler attacks against Palestinians have been recorded

This week, a 10-day campaign to aid and protect Palestinian farmers was launched in areas considered to be at high risk of Israeli settler attacks.

Read more on Palestine's olive industry here ⬇️

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