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Freedom, Justice, Love & Coffee.

Oct 17, 2021, 20 tweets

Pedos entertaining kids in the UK for years ....

Rolf Harris sings about child abuse in creepy paedo song
THIS creepy video shows Rolf Harris singing about child abuse while surrounded by kids. 2017.…

'In it, the disgraced entertainer tells school kids: “Some people don’t act right with kids and they need help."

Shameless Harris, 87 – who has been convicted of sex attacks on children as young as eight – was still molesting children when he made the video.'

How many BBC pedo entertainers have the UK kids been watching over the years?..!!!

'I asked your mother for you, she said you were too young': Song about Rolf Harris' sick obsession which brought him down 2014…

BBC Rolf Harris Kidnap Sketch - THEY KNEW!!

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