Mello.B33 Profile picture
Born of chaos, a lone wanderer amongst the blind, a lone wolf amongst the sheep, that wishes to devour the shepherd who keeps all in line.

Oct 17, 2021, 18 tweets

1/ Someone asked me recently why I have abandoned to focus strictly on science and data aspect in regards to the pandemic and its response to it. The reason is simple. I came to the conclusion that our problem is a political, economic and ideological one and not a scientific one.

2/ The battle simply cannot be won if one chooses to focus only on sharing unbiased data and science. You can't expect to fight religion and people who engage in religious-like rituals with science. You can't convince the crazy and delusional ones with logic or common sense or ..

3/ arguments that are grounded in and supported by evidence and science. Same goes for the hypnotized. If someone is under the spell of mass delusional psychosis, their attention span is very narrowly focused on a very specific thing and because of that, they simply start ..

4/ perceiving the reality around them very differently than everyone else. Logic and common sense no longer operates as it should and their judgment is clouded. As the consequence, you simply cannot convince people, who are living in different reality than you, of anything.

5/ They no longer respond to sanity and logic. In the same vein, you simply cannot convince people who use lies, trickery, manipulation and pseudoscience to alter their views on anything, and especially when it suits their ideological, financial, political or career goals.

6/ I still understand the value of sharing accurate information that is in contrast with government data and response, but I think this kind of education should be focused primarily on people who still can join the right side of this equation.

7/ Keeping this kind of voice of dissidence alive is crucial but it will not bring us victory. So I decided to choose a different path and pursue a solutions that are more pragmatic, practical and sometimes the one which relies on psychological and philosophical aspects of life.

8/ People simply need to realize what is happening and what is eventually going to happen, regardless of their own hopes or wishes. At some point I also realized that whatever is happening currently in our time, already happened before & we are just experiencing it once again ..

9/ but in a different packaging. It is a never ending cycle that we as humans seem to never get out of. We are trapped. Prosperous and peaceful times always causes the people to let their guard down, makes them weak and prone to exploitation and enslavement, more than ever.

10/ I identified three major reasons why that is the case and the common denominator are our biological limitations as human beings:

- we have relatively short lifespans
- we tend to forget history surprisingly fast
- majority can be easily tricked, fooled and manipulated

11/ All of that causes the constant repetition of past mistakes, basically we are creating and going over the same problems over and over again. It became clear to me that answers and solutions we are seeking, are all in the past & can be obtained from historical accounts and ..

12/ past knowledge from books, articles, interviews or recollections from many different great minds that lived before us. This is rather unconventional approach but I always had a gut feeling that things will be eventually going that way anyway.

13/ This is all essentially about the forgotten knowledge and about the system which is largely created based on a web of lies that governs our day to day lives. Many of these lies are beneficial to us, we are grown into the system of lies, that is why we follow and play along ..

14/ and it even brings us pleasure and fulfillment. Some people naturally believe in the order of things in the world and accept everything that happens the way it does, but there are many others who are more aware and more educated in understanding what really governs and ..

15/ influences different aspects of our lives. But all good things come to an end eventually and we all will be forced to face the reality and deal with everything that it has in store for us.

16/ I don’t think that we will be able to avoid chaos, destruction, pain, great suffering that will occur on an unimaginable scale in the near future. We have been living in a limbo state for far too long and our choices, mainly our ignorance and inaction has lead us to ..

17/ the very place we are in right now. One thing I know for sure, the enemy cannot be allowed to win and it is a moral responsibility for every sane human to do everything in his power to prevent that from happening.

18/ Reject the future that lunatics are proclaiming and advertising as something inevitable. Wake up from the dream, open the eyes and see the future you want to be part of. If you just focus hard enough and try to truly envision it... you will eventually make it a reality.

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